Online feedback Childbirth Medical Hospital of Arezzo


Online feedback Childbirth Medical Hospital of Arezzo

Now Online feedback for Medical Birth at the Hospital of Arezzo. At the point of birth Hospital of Arezzo Bibbiena Asl 8 ( Casentino area ) for about a year in this facility you can use our Multi-sensory Wellness Diffuser, which is a programmable technique capable of delivering 4 applications at the same time: aroma therapy - crystal - color therapy and music therapy . The hospital Bibbiena Asl 8 Arezzo is dedicated to the reception of normal birth where a pool of doctors takes care of the woman throughout labor using our Holistic Technology in its programs ( see procedure ), thereby making the micro- climate of childbirth friendly and relaxing. The following items: holistic childbirth , postpartum emotional , alternative birth , relaxing childbirth . For info see our web site at url Medical Protocols.

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