Developement of the new holistic protocols


Developement of the new holistic protocols

Developement of the new holistic protocols Having rediscount a very notable efficacy in using our Wellnwss Diffuser in fairs, manifestations and in the coherent use of our clients’ structures, and in a research program with the consultants who have partecipated with our society in the developing of the master sequences, we are starting a developing project of new integrated holistic protocols linked with the wellness. Expressly drawn up, patented, certified and tested with different experts for the most exclusive centers to integrate specific treatments of different nature (like aesthetic or therapeutic massages, chiropractic treatments, pressotherapy, psychotherapy, osteopathy, needle therapy, pilates, reiky, yoga, but also psycotherapy and experimental and traditional applications based on naturopathy, ecc....), the Wellness Diffuser gives a series of specific advantages, with a particular personalized offer with services and consulting for these centers, corporations and structures that intend to experiment new integrated applications of the Wellness Diffuser. For informations you can envoy Your request to :

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